Factory Sensor Kits May 2024

Sensor Update

Late May 2024

Sensor Name Details of Update
Android Cell Spectrum Stability New Sensor
Persistent Blue Screen New Sensor
JAMF Version New Sensor
Google Chrome Outdated Updated to check for the minimum version that is installed.
Low WiFi Signal Strength Updated the default value for the WiFi_Signal_Strength to 50%.

Early May 2024

Sensor Name Details of Update
Android Cell Signal Degraded New Sensor
Operating System Not Compliant (Windows) New Sensor
Microsoft 365 Apps not Compliant New Sensor
Recent Blue Screen (BSOD) New Sensor
Battery Discharged New Sensor
Hard Drive Health Issues (SSD) New Sensor
Teams - Crash
Teams - Hangs
Teams - Excessive CPU
Teams - Excessive IOPS
Teams - Excessive Memory
Teams - Latency Impact
Updated the Teams sensors to include ms-teams.exe application.
Hard Drive Health Issues (HDD) Added (HDD) to the name and updated the sensor expressions to include Error, Degraded, and Pred Fail.
AzureAD Password Expiry Sensor Updated to avoid false positives for accounts with an Azure AD password last changed date from 1899.